30.08.2023 - 08.10.2023 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Design Exploration / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1: HONOR Talents Global Design Awards 2023
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WEEK 1 / 30.08.2022

This week, we were given a briefing on our modules and projects. We got 2 tasks: 
(1) HONOR Talents Global Design Awards 2023; 
        Joining the competition with the themes that were given. Make at least one of the categories.

Fig. 1.1 / P1 Brief, Week 1 (30.08.2023)

(2) Design Exploration.
        Expand more from Project 1, express "playfulness" (use the Project 1 asset)

(For the details look at the project brief)

We are starting to look at references, mood boards, and sketches for our ideation (in slides). 
1. Mid-Autumn Festival
2. Lunar New Year

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I plan to make the result on Adobe Illustration so it won't be pixelated because the final should be on an Adobe Photoshop file. 


WEEK 1 / 30.08.2023

Ideation 01

Fig. 2.1 / Ideation 01 Sketch#1, Week 1 (30.08.2023)

WEEK 2 / 06.09.2023

This week we showed our idea and moldboard to Ms Anis. Ms Anis chose my second Idea (combining Batik Indonesia and Chinese New Year), which was my last-minute idea. 

Then I tried to make each of the characters of the Chinese zodiac.

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WEEK 3 / 13.09.2023

To be honest, I need some help to start it. I felt it was too abstract to do it without the structure. So, I start with the new sketch again.

I used this as my base structure.

Fig. 2.2 / Reference as based

Then I used these Indonesian batik patterns.

Fig. 2.3-2.8 / Reference as based

This is for the ”汉字“ originally (drawing) and the characters.
Fig. 2.9-2.10 / Character

References for the Chinese elements.

Fig. 2.11-2.14 / Chinese Elements

This is the process.
Fig. 2.15 / Structure-based

Fig. 2.16 / Characters and Batik

Fig. 2.17 / Add Chinese Elements

Fig. 2.18 / I'm too having fun

WEEK 4 / 20.09.2023

This week, I digitalise my sketch and put the colour.

Fig. 2.19 - 2.20 / Progression

Fig. 2.21 / Blue version Outline

Fig. 2.22 / Red version Outline

At first, I'm thinking of using between these colours as my references.
Fig. 2.23 - 2.24 / Colour references

However, when I did the blue-red colour, I felt I was going to die already. So I decided to do one colour version only.

Fig. 2.25 / Colour progression 1

Fig. 2.26 / Colour progression 2

Here is my result (first attempt for colour)

Fig. 2.27 / First Attempt

WEEK 5 / 03.10.2023

This week, I'm planning for the animation. First I chose the Chinese Festival Music with no copyright. Maybe I will use this musical instrument. It represents the festival and has stable beats, so it's easier for me to animate following the beats.

WEEK 6 / 05.10.2023

Next, I prepare the file first before exporting it to Adobe After Effects.

Fig. 2.28 - 2.29 / Preparing before AE

Then I import it to Adobe After Effects. Then I rearrange it before I animate it. 

Fig. 2.30 / Animation

Then I try to animate it. Just a simple animation. 

Fig. 2.31 / Animation1

Then after receiving feedback, I do revision.

Fig. 2.32 / Revision

Fig. 2.33 / Animation 2

Then this is the result for the submission.

Fig. 2.34 - 2.35 / Wallpaper

Fig. 2.36 - 2.37 / Foldable

Then I added more submissions, Open Design.

Fig. 2.38 / Open Design

Before I submitted it, I did the design elaboration and the title first.
- Title: 
ZodiaBatik: Fusion of Cultures
- Description: 
The fusion of Cultures carried the essence of both Chinese heritage (12 Zodiac) and Indonesian roots (Batik). Celebrate and preserve the beautiful complexities of my cultural heritage (as Chinese Indonesian), sharing it with the world through the universal language of art and design.

Then I submitted everything.

Fig. 2.39 / Submission


WEEK 2 / 10.04.2023
- I prefer the second idea
- You can see Tintoy Chuo's work for reference.

WEEK 3 / 17.04.2023
- The Indonesian artwork is very clear. I'm not sure how you are going to include the zodiac's line art into the whole thing and make it look Indonesian-centric. You may want to adjust and adapt the line art to look culturally relevant to your art style.

WEEK 4 / 24.04.2023
- I like the design! continue with the colour.
- Put the artwork into the template

WEEK 6 / 10.05.2023
- If you have more time, do the revision on the Red circle thing to synchronise with the festival music.  
- Good job! Do submit it before 8 october.


WEEK 1 / 30.08.2023
- Ideation (references, mood board, sketch) in Google Slides.

WEEK 2 / 06.09.2023
- Do sketch for the ideation 2

WEEK 3 / 13.09.2023
- Complete the sketch

WEEK 4 / 20.09.2023
- Digitalize sketch with colour

WEEK 5 / 27.09.2023
- Do animation

WEEK 6 / 11.10.2023
- Do revision
- Submit before 8 October.


Fig. 3.1 / Foldable Wallpaper

Fig. 3.2 / Overall Design

Fig. 3.3 / Open Design

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This is one of the projects that I enjoyed a lot. I always enjoyed Ms Anis's class. Plus, What I liked about this project is that we joined the competition, which later on I can put on my CV and portfolio. Actually, I never joined a design competition before because of being busy and other else. So, I was really excited when Ms Anis briefed the MIB to us in the first meeting. Through this module, I can make something else that I never made before, batik with Chinese culture. It is interesting how it came out. I didn't expect I could design that. I realised I really do design exploration. I really hope I can win the competition, however, even though I'm not winning, I'm glad had this opportunity to join my first design competition.

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