15.05.2023 - 29.05.2023 (Week 7 - Week 9)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Collaborative Design Practice / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 4: Final
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EPortfolio required:
- Instructions
- Research
- Process (weekly)
- Feedback (weekly)
- Next course of action (weekly)
- Submission
- Reflection: Experience, Observation, Findings (at the end of the project)


Here are our references and colour palettes


Fig. / Coral


Fig. / Fish

Fig. / Tree


Fig. / Wave

WEEK 7 / 15.05.2023
This week, we were trying to do our finalise. We haven't gotten GSK's feedback but we got Ms Lilian's feedback. We're so confused about how to start our final. We started by thinking about the final size and taking out the medicine from the packaging. 

Fig. / Size for Final, Week 7 (15.05.2023)

Fig. / Taking off the medicine, Week 7 (15.05.2023)

Fig. / Receipt Rubber Band, Week 7 (15.05.2023)

Fig. / Scan and grouping it, Week 7 (15.05.2023)

Then I bought the whole PVC because the height that I want exceeds the half height already.
Fig. / PVC and the receipt, Week 7 (16.05.2023)

WEEK 7 / 17.05.2023

We finished collecting, managing, and grouping all the blisters pack. We also count it to get the blister packs amount.

Fig. / Finish the collecting, managing, and grouping, Week 7 (17.05.2023)

Measure the PVC location and the art installation would be.

Fig. / Measuring, Week 7 (17.05.2023)

I imagined that the wave part could be made of laminated plastic and burn it with a lighter to have a crumbled texture. Try to make the wave texture and it works.

Fig. / Wave, Week 7 (17.05.2023)

WEEK 7 / 18.05.2023
First I bought the spray paints, L bracket, screw, PVC cutter, and thinner in MR DIY. Here is the receipt.

Fig. / Receipts, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Then I did the base part. First I measure it

Fig. / Measure, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Then I cut it the base part into several parts, approximately 6 cm.

Fig. / Base, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Then moved to the root part. I try to cut it and join them. I plan to join them with an L bracket using the drill. I borrowed my friend's drill.

Fig. / Root, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Before I connect it, I cut the cardboard using the blade of the PVC cutter. 

Fig. / Cut cardboard, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Then I try to drill it, however, it was loose id only the PVC. I thought to buy block wood but I can't find it. Then I have an idea to make it secure using toilet roll paper. I used the big one so the roll inside is thick enough and it's stable.

Fig. / Drill PVC, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

I put it in and took a picture for asking my groupmates' agreement. 

Fig. / Asking Opinion, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

After all my groupmates agree, I glue the base part using the hot glue gun.

Fig. / Glue the base, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Then this is the tricky part. I need to hide the L bracket, make it not hurt the hand, and make it stable. I kept flipping the cardboard so hard because not enough people.

Fig. / Drilling the Root base, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

Then put the tallest pole (150cm) for the tree and I secure it with an L bracket. I'm so tired because doing this until 8pm.

Fig. / Base 1.0 done, Week 7 (18.05.2023)

WEEK 8 / 22.05.2023
I continue to make the fish but I forgot to take a picture. Then I focus on the root. I adjust the joint of the roots again and need some revisions so I cut it some more to make it precise to connect with the main trump (but I also forgot to take a picture again, too focused).

Then to make it stable, I plan to tie it with wire and it works. First, I separate the wire into one layer (because it contains 4 layers in one wire), so that can fit in the hole (drill hole), and it took so long time. I drill the pole first, then through the hole, I tied the pole with the other pole using 1 layer of wire. Thank God it works and is stable, I was doubting myself a lot about this.

Fig. / Root base done, Week 8 (22.05.2023)

Then my friend colours the fish and other sea creatures. My idea is to make the fish stay transparent and I put light to make it outstanding. However, my leader and one of the members suddenly just change it without discussing it with the group. I was disappointed in them for colouring it. I remember that after receiving Ms Lilian's feedback, we just stick to 3 colours only (purple, blue, and pink), not too much so that the audience will not be overwhelmed or confused while seeing it. But they make it so vibrant, all colours are there. I'm really scared that the fish and the other sea creatures will blend with each other. If individuals, it looks pretty, but not in a group. I'm so sad.

Fig. / Sea Creatures, Week 8 (22.05.2023)

WEEK 8 / 23.05.2023
First, we make the volume of the tree using paper.

Fig. / Volume for the Tree, Week 8 (23.05.2023)

Then make the rock volume and texture.

Fig. / Rock and Masking tape Receipt, Week 8 (23.05.2023)

Then Luisa, Shaocheng and I make the branches and roots using twisted papers. Then for the branches, we put the wire around to make it solid.

Fig. / Roots and Branches, Week 8 (23.05.2023)

At this time suddenly the AC and the plug-in studio room not working. After last week the AC also not working, the room become so smelly and so hot. I almost vomit because of the situation, all the medicine bags are very dirty and disgusting. It was the worst. Then we complain about the AC again so we continue our work outside.

Fig. / Do outside, Week 8 (23.05.2023)

Then my friend makes more corals and other sea creatures and colour it.

Fig. / more sea creatures, Week 8 (23.05.2023)

WEEK 8 / 24.05.2023
After finished putting the branches, I put fish wire on the branch with the main pole so that it won't fall.

Fig. / Repairing the branches, Week 8 (24.05.2023)

Then I put all the blister packs for the base.

Fig. / Blister packs covering the base, Week 8 (24.05.2023)

Then we were confused to put the blister packs too for the tree or not but my leader doesn't want it. So I suggest covering it with aluminium foil.

Fig. / Aluminium Foil, Week 8 (24.05.2023)

Haven't fully covered it yet but it looks good. I also suggest my friend make the leaves using blister packs that are easy to fold since my leader doesn't want to cut the blister packs. This is what it looks like. It's pretty.

Fig. / Leaves, Week 8 (24.05.2023)

WEEK 8 / 25.05.2023
Completing the aluminium cover for the tree and it looks good.

Fig. / Aluminium done, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Shaocheng colour the balls for leaves

Fig. / Shaocheng, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Then Sea colour the base using spray paints.

Fig. / Sea, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Luisa and I making the wave part.

Fig. / Luisa and I, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Tressa was making the leaves and more corals.

Here is our progression result.

Fig. / Based coloured done, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Fig. / Clean wave done, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Fig. / Ball leaves almost done, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

Then we try to combine it all to see how it looks.

Fig. / See it how it looks, Week 8 (25.05.2023)

WEEK 8 / 26.05.2023
I make the seaweed from leftovers in the wave part. I use a lighter and then my friend colours it. 

Fig. / Seaweeds, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

My friend makes more leaves.
Fig. / More leaves, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

We make the waves, dirty and clean (some flat and some like a pipe). Inside are the small fishes. I make a hole from a hot glue gun on the waves and put the fish strings inside the hole and hang it to the branches.

Fig. / Put strings, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

Then put the dirty wave also.

Fig. / Waves done, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

Then we plan to put all the leaves tomorrow, so we planning first.

Fig. / Planning for the leaves, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

WEEK 8 / 27.05.2023
We thought that we can finish it by Friday, turns out that we need 1 more day. However, every Saturday I can't join to finalize the art installation. So this is my friends' work.

We only left to put all the leaves and stick sea creatures.

Fig. / Finishing the leaves, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

Then here are the result and the details!

Fig. / result and details, Week 8 (26.05.2023)

Details in the video!

WEEK 9 / 29.05.2023
We did it!
Fig. / Presentation, Week 9 (29.05.2023)

Fig. / Nutquacker, Week 9 (29.05.2023)

Fig. / The judges, Week 9 (29.05.2023)

In the end, we are not chosen by the GSK.


WEEK 7 / 15.05.2022
Ms Lilian
- Looks to focus on the tree instead of the waves
- Can make the waves more stands out
- Do not put colour too much
- Make a new sketch for the finalise
- Need to finish the final within 2 weeks

WEEK 9 / 29.05.2022
- It's so beautiful
- Our work doesn't clearly express the topic given compared to the dream teamwork
- It will be difficult for the audience to see what our work is trying to express at first glance


WEEK 7 / 15.05.2022
- Finish the final within 2 weeks

WEEK 9 / 29.05.2022
- Finish your blog then will be free after this


WEEK 9 / 29.05.2023
  • Requirement:
Submission requirement:
1) Task 2 (GROUP) - slide format uploaded to your Google Drive group folder correctly labelled. Please also include your resources, your research, your miro boards and references as well as any process or supporting material for Task 2 in a folder labelled 'progression'. DEADLINE 9am 26042023 (Wednesday).

2) Recorded presentation Task 2 (GROUP) - video format to be uploaded to your Google Drive folder correctly labelled. DEADLINE 9am 26042023 (Wednesday).

3) Project Document Task 2 (GROUP) - slide format uploaded to your Google Drive group folder correctly labelled. Please follow the framework in the pdf document provided at the beginning of the semester. DEADLINE 9am 26042023 (Wednesday).

4) Design Journal (INDIVIDUAL) - blog post detailing the process taken in Task 2. Please refer to the framework provided in the pdf document. DEADLINE 9am 03052023 (W5).

5) Weekly assessment of Group Members (INDIVIDUAL) - completed till week 5. DEADLINE 9am 03052023 (Wednesday).
  • Slides
Task 4

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I experience a lot of things in this module. I feel like this module is my minor project. It's been a while for me to make handcraft things. This is my first time making such a big art installation. I would say I'm quite good with miniatures, but not sure about art installation. I'm glad that I can experience the drill, PVC cutter, lighters, etc. I feel like I can become a worker already. Besides the art itself, I also learned a lot of things in a group. I learned a lot of types of humans and learned how to handle and forgive them. It's not that easy but I am grateful to experience all of these. It's interesting how I can experience the medicine thing, which should be sensitive content. It feels like a love-and-hate relationship with this module. I love how our effort makes a beautiful piece, but I hate the process and the idea thinking.

I observed that behind the beautiful art need to have a beautiful meaning also. For my group, I can say that our installation is beautiful, but the meaning is not that deep. However we did what we can do already with the limited time, but GSK did not really understand what we wanted to express. I observe other groups' work also. Blister Bunch is diligent and their idea is nice, however, the art installation is a bit too small. So can't really attract people. Dream Team is not diligent at all, they did it all at the last minute, however, their presentation and the meaning are good.

I found myself enjoying these processes. I am also grateful that I learned miniatures before so I can give a lot of suggestions about the materials and the stability. I am also grateful that I can collaborate with Nutquacker, with amazing people. I learned a lot from them. I learned how to less talk and do more from Shaocheng. I learned how to be the biggest supporter from Luisa. I learned to be diligent and disciplined from Tressa. I learned to think out of the box from Sea. Thank God we can finish it before the deadline. I'm so proud of my group and I am really grateful to have Ms Lilian as our lecturer. She is a good lecturer and designer.
