24.10.2022 - 28.11.2022 (Week 9 - Week 14)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
UX Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Group Project (Lulu, Michelle, Haura)

Jump link 


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/14x0F1yE72LvvWGR8SK-8hUcI8u08SfLx/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ISZR4xctyBHbZkUSyHSB1gt924jWIZXI/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


WEEK 9 // 24.10.2022
App Dev UX Design Lecture Digital Documentation.

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AImn7ZxT3nODDFNseROMLDYPxlB2XJ2T/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

WEEK 10 // 31.10.2022
74% of potential customers will switch to other solutions if the onboarding process is complicated. 86% of the customers say they will remain loyal if onboarding and continuous education are provided. 43% of companies have a free trial, almost 50% of them use a freemium model, and 7% of them don't have either.

Further Reading:

WEEK 11 // 07.11.2022
Design Document
Design documentation is a collection of documents and resources that covers all aspects of your product design. Documentation should include information about users, product features, and project deadlines; all essential implementation details; and design decisions that your team and stakeholders have agreed on.

Further Reading:

WEEK 13 // 21.11.2022

5 Laws of UX Design
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ket_tOncSiPPxLp-yu6PniuksFDpv0Os/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Further Reading:


WEEK 9 // 24.10.2022
This week, we were divided into groups and given instructions for final projects.

Group 2:
Lulu Luisa
Michelle Winnie
Haura Laiqa

Here is the instruction:
After finalizing tasks 2 and 3, students are required to integrate all the components to develop a prototype of a given project. Upon completing the product, students are required to conduct several iterations of user testing on specific target groups in order to finalize the product or service.

Once the UX design process is completed, students can create a low-fidelity prototype of the app. Students must arrange all the screen wireframes, actions, and visual feedback and link them up in Adobe XD (Bye Figma).

Students are then required to perform usability testing whereby they will invite guests to test out their low-fidelity prototype and gather all the information, response, feedback, and pain points observed from the test.

Students need to document this process with a video and produce a document containing a detailed analysis of this task and the solutions to the problems faced by the testers.

1 Project Files (Adobe XD/Figma)
2 Video Walkthrough (Video Documentation)
3 Online posts in your E-portfolio as your reflective studies

WEEK 10 // 31.10.2022
We discussed choosing one of our projects for the final project. We choose Lulu's work since she is the only UI/UX student, and her work is one step ahead of us. Here is her proposal for the design app module - Beyond LIVE App.

WEEK 11 // 07.11.2022
In class, we try to create the survey. We made it in google documents first and transfer it to a google form. Here is Lulu's prototype progression.

WEEK 12 // 14.11.2022
This week, Mr Hafiz check on our progress and gave us feedback. Here is Lulu's Prototype progress. After receiving feedback, I changed and added some of the questions. 

Fig. 2.1 / Progress Survey, Week 12 (14.11.2022)

Then we discuss a bit in our group.

Fig. 2.2 - 2.4 / Discuss, Week 12 (14.11.2022)

WEEK 13 // 21.11.2022
This week, we updated again our questionnaire and we started interviews. 

Fig. 2.5 / Recording of Interview, Week 13 (21.11. 2022)

Then we analyse the results.

Fig. 2.6 / Analyse the Result, Week 13 (21.11.2022)

WEEK 14 // 28.11.2022
This week, we will make the result into the presentation slides.

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vREuOG4fQYfLX4UsqvzAPjou64iUNYAQA8eXJ0rfpdHj91ge0H80BQtQHJKu_-TH0rfDB-GjbqTc4T8/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

After the presentation, we realise that our slides is not complete enough. Then we decide to re-do it. In addition, Mr Hafiz wanted us to add about 5 Laws of UX Design. We take 2 of them and we put at the end of the presentation slides. Here it is.

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQj23jGBVRLuC-yk97hEtz_RiTwRpmF8TetaJ_TYRwBP7F9SWEb7JCHZOJ2ZXaTORhdarqLQjlY4N5P/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

WEEK 15 // 09.12.2022
Before the submission, I tried to combine everything that Mr Hafiz wanted us to submit in Notion.

Fig. 2.7 / Notion Submission, Week 15 (09.12.2022)


WEEK 12 // 14.11.2022
  • Repair the survey (more detail). Can add pictures for comparison
  • Continue the prototype
  • The respondents are 3-5 users. The questionnaire is 10-15 questions.
  • After finishing the prototype and survey, create a video to explain the comparison and the pain points, not to influence.
  • The users can be all Indonesian.

WEEK 14 // 02.12.2022
  • Add about laws for UX Design


I am grateful to have completed this module. I have learned many things in this UX design. Although this module is more about learning, research, and interviews. but I have learned to understand the user or user empathy. Besides that, I also learned what I do to make an application effective and there are several laws that support it. I'm also grateful to be in group 2. To be honest, between Lulu, Michelle, and Haura, I feel Haura is the one who contributes the least to this group's work. But he still has something to do, so I don't think it's a problem. For other members, they cooperated diligently until they were able to collect this project assignment.
