30.08.2022 - 15.11.2022 (Week 1 - Week 12)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Design Research Methodology / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Design Research Methodology / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C6hLL6Al9Q8ssDsuhabQsVsnYqh2JCri/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Week 1 task:
1. Create a blog for the VSP module, 4 categories: Exercises, Project 1, Project 2, Final Project
2. Provide individual info in the spreadsheet.
3. Self-intro (Post in the blog): What I love about animation. Why I want to be an animator. Sharing my favourite animation.
4. Use your phone, to record a verbal memory (Mother's tongue is welcome, let your memory to decide the language to speak): Think of a memory that you remember vividly. It should be a memory that comes easily to you. Imagine that you are telling your memory to someone that you know. Can you make them feel the emotion? (Upload to google drive, post in Blog under Project 1)
5. Write in Blog(Project 1): Why do you think you remember this so well? Try connecting one or more emotions to this memory.
6. Watch Netflix Love, Death & Robots season 1, the whole series. Discuss 3 of your personal favourite in terms of their CINEMATOGRAPHY. How the cinematography compliments the artworks.
I like 3D animation compared to 2D animation because it's more interesting and cool. In the future, I want to learn more about virtual reality. One of my favourite animations is The Incredibles.
WEEK 1 / 30.08.2022
This week, Mr Martin briefed us about the module and the projects that we will do. Mr Martin also remind us that our final project will be related to Animation Fundamentals' final project. Today, Mr Martin gives us an exercise to start our projects. (Source: Google Slides)
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/12MbPiCjge7Ay8cHMZhCAHJoSLKJAYC5N/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Mr Martin explained to us what's the function of cinematography on the animation itself. Animation is not only about aesthetics, but also information or emotion, which is the function of cinematography.
There are three "based" animators.
- Story-based
- Idea/ style
- Mood/ emotion
I feel like mine is between the first and the third one (story-based and mood/ emotion), but definitely not the second one.
a. Project 1
: Begin with verbal personal memory, and write a synopsis with emphasis on theme, story structure, and character.
b. Project 2
: Students to produce a pitch bible of their original short animation story according to a generic format.
c. Final Project
: Final project begins at week 9 presentation to lecturers (Film Studies and Animation Fundamental) with animatic (selected shots).
Then, Mr Martin wanted us to watch at least only season 1 of "Love, Death & Robots", a Netflix Series.
Fig. 1.1 / Love, Death & Robots, Week 1 (08.30.2022)
Three of your personal favourites (genre, style, art direction, etc).
WEEK 2 / 06.09.2022
This week, we study about idea development
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zc9PjBKeRfOjtu6hOnwQE_s6AjhHTwZQ/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
WEEK 3 / 13.09.2022
This week, we learned more about storytelling (acts 1, 2, 3)
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KwS92DtdDtRUE0C06uj3TWC7R_H4boa3/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Next, Mr Martin gave us options between 1 and 2. Then we need to make the concept art.
Fig. 1.2 / Exercise 2, Week 3 (13.09.2022)
Fig. 1.3 / Bullets point, Week 3 (13.09.2022)
WEEK 4 / 20.09.2022
This week, we finalised our storyline.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HZ9G6jcx9EwtpXhNfJYy8hQAfp4KyiEL/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Further Reading
Animation lesson
Animation lesson
WEEK 5 / 27.09.2022
This week, we will make a rough sketch of a thumbnail.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i23Nj4hALG9QKjGx9jyKz8z3H22EwvzB/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
WEEK 1 / 30.08.2022
EXERCISE 1 - Expressing Memories
Starting this week, Mr Martin gives us exercise 1 about Expressing our Memories.
Fig. 2.1 - 2.2 / Exercise 1, Week 1 (08.30.2022)
Here are my stories.
The Night I Have Met Cockroach
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1scsay7QVlhRhCksvfSbkxt0Q6_clLjcw/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
The scar on My Calf
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Ky_H3-SGgz-5-6GvEMmfVf_7DXDQrRc/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Wrong Class
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mkQoYLjw5tlQxwnc9ZXgun0eTNDKqjGo/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Finally, I choose "meet the cockroach" as my final story.
WEEK 2 / 06.09.2022
This week, we have an exercise to understand our next project. It's about Concept to Theme. We choose 2 sets of emotions, choose a random number for themes, and select a genre. Then we need to come out with our mood board and a sketch.
Fig. 2.3 / Instruction Exercise, Week 2 (06.09.2022)
Here is mine
Surprise and fear - Individual vs Society - Horror
Fig. 2.4 / Moodboard Exercise, Week 2 (06.09.2022)
I came out with a short story. So there is a girl who doesn't have any friends at her school. She just plays with herself or with her friend's imagination. Suddenly the imaginary friend can interact with her and always says something crazy, for example, "broke that glass", etc.For next week's class, we need to complete our task, which is ideation. This is my first ideation.
Fig. 2.6 / Ideation1, Week 2 (06.09.2022)
However, I feel like I don't want to draw something dark. I want something happy and cheerful. So I change my ideation. Here is my second ideation.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gnl2VVY7tfKPNx_Y2feGHdwVKkIpekSc/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
WEEK 3 / 13.09.2022
I thought that we need to have the problem. So I decided to change the storyline.
Fig. 2.7 / Ideation 3, Week 3 (13.09.2022)
But then Mr Martin said it's not necessary to have the problem.
For exercise 2, we need to choose between 1 and 2. After we watched both animations, we need to think what is the emotion, theme, and genre. We also need to make the concept art. Here is my sketch.
Fig. 2.8 / Sketch, Week 3 (13.09.2022)
Here is my result.
Fig. 2.9 / Exercise 2 Result, Week 3 (13.09.2022)
Bullet points for week 4 story treatment finalization.
- Church activity
- cooking competition
- the boy helps the girl (teaches her how to cut)
- teasing each other
- the boy fetch her home
- texting
- eat together
- ask her out
- in relationship
- awkward moments
WEEK 4 / 20.09.2022
Mr Martin gives us an exercise to look for images that combine between personality and emotion. Here is my result.
Fig. 2.10 / Exercise 3, Week 4 (20.09.2022)
I put the storyline idea project 1 on miro.
Fig. 2.11 / Story Idea#1 on Miro, Week 4 (20.09.2022)
<iframe width="768" height="432" src="https://miro.com/app/live-embed/uXjVPVdO0TA=/?moveToViewport=-1455,-640,2154,1077&embedId=359922958025" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here are my story beats.
Story Beats
- The boy helps her in the church cooking competition
- The boy teaches her how to cut, by holding her hand
- They tease each other. Put the flour on their's face.
- The boy fetches her home. They walk on the pavement and the environment is sunset
- After reaching home, she texting with the boy while eating dinner.
- The boy asking for eating together
- The girl was very happy and excited.
- Too excited until "daydreaming" walk in the clouds with the love shape
- The next day, they date together in the cafe
- The boy tied her hair while eating.
- The moment is full of chatting, smiling, romantic light from candles, etc.
- The boy's confession. He gives the flowers to the girl
- The slow-motion moment.
- The girl was surprised and blushing.
- The moment before she accepts him is nervous, full of thinking, etc.
- The girl smiles and says "yes"
- Both of them are very excited but don't know what to do
- Both of them wanted to hold each other hands but were too shy.
WEEK 2 / 06.09.2022
We are not gonna documentary it. We will exaggerate it. For example for your story, about cockroaches, you can change the 14 years old you into 5 years and change the cockroach into something else that scared a small kid.
WEEK 3 / 13.09.2022
It's not necessary to have the problem. I prefer ideation 2 instead of ideation 3. Ideation 2 is more beautiful, I can see the youth emotion here instead of a predictable plot. If you can show the animation the one that I highlight, it would become a great animation.
WEEK 4 / 20.09.2022
When the boy fetches her home, don't use a car. By walk at sunset would be better. The moment before sleep, change it while doing something else (like while eating, etc). Last, when the boy confession, you can make something slow-motion to enhance the romantic moment. Later, you can write down the bullet points and send the Miro link to me.
I am grateful to have completed project 1. In this project, the results of my work have changed continuously. I'm honestly confused as to what MR Martin is referring to. There was one time he didn't even really see all of my work. To be honest I was really sad at that time. Thankfully, after we've talked a little, Mr Martin understands more about what I mean.
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