29.08.2022 - 25.09.2022 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
UX Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
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WEEK 1 // 08.28.2022
WEEK 2 // 09.05.2022
WEEK 8 // 24.10.2022
Design Process
Fig. 1.1 - 1.2 / Design Process, Week 1 (08.29.2022)
- Product Strategy
- User Research
- Information Architecture
- Testing and Iteration
- Colour Theory
- Typography
- Design Patterns
- Interactivity and Animation
Fig. 1.3 / UI vs UX, Week 1 (08.29.2022)
There are 4 things that we can remember to test a "User Experience".
Fig. 1.4 / 4 Things, Week 1 (08.29.2022)
Then, Mr Hafiz told us about Norman Door.
Fig. 1.5 - 1.6 / Norman Door, Week 1 (08.29.2022)
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gRixEBIu9LLf_BwizIcJIoO5gdoOpZ27/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Demographic: Properties like age, gender, education level, occupation, or income level.
Geographic: Such as countries, regions, or cities.
Behaviour: Behavioural patterns that users experience toward using a particular product. These can include buying behaviours (spending and consumption) and desired benefits.
Technology: The level of users' tech savviness.
Psychographics: Attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria
Fig. 1.7 / Psychographics vs Demographics, Week 2 (09.05.2022)
User Persona
Fig. 1.8 / User Persona Type, Week 2 (09.05.2022)
Further Reading
WEEK 3 // 12.09.2022
This week, we learn more about Persona and User Journey. Empathy is the ability to fully understand, mirror, and then share another person's expressions, needs, and motivations. In UX, empathy enables us to understand not only our users' immediate frustrations, but also their hopes, fears, abilities, limitations, reasoning, and goals.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R8jG420qERFSB3Y0kf1gi8aesY_BANjM/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig. 1.9 - 1.11 / Empathy Map, Week 3 (12.09.2022)
Further Reading
WEEK 5 // 26.09.2022
This week we learn about journey maps.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z-ij-70EXOWkaY3TjomzlU4Atz8Cqmc2/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Further Reading:
WEEK 9 // 28.10.2022
This week we only had a short briefing about our group project. We also divided into groups.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AImn7ZxT3nODDFNseROMLDYPxlB2XJ2T/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Further reading
WEEK 1 // 08.28.2022
This week, Mr Hafiz gave us a task to pick a User Experience in our daily life, inside or outside the campus. I'm thinking of choosing the parking lot Light. I'm not really sure if it is correct or not. Here is my work on Miro.
Fig. 2.1 / Work on Miro about UX in daily life, Week 1 (08.28.2022)
Usable - The design, structure and purpose are straightforward. When I first saw it, I could guess correctly that green means no car, red means got a car and blue means for disabled people.
Enjoyable - It delights the customer looking for a car park.
Equitable - It helps disabled people (blue light).
Useful - It solves the user's problem of looking for a car park.
WEEK 2 // 09.05.2022
This week, Mr Hafiz gave us exercises. First, we need to choose an app that we don't like about the UX/UI. Then we make the market segmentation and user persona.
Fig. 2.2 / Instructions Exercise 2, Week 2 (09.05.2022)
Here is my work on miro. I choose the Discord App. The main reason is that the app is confusing, there is no main menu.
Fig. 2.3 / Exercise 2, Week 2 (09.05.2022)
WEEK 3 // 09.12.2022
This week, Mr Hafiz gave us exercises about user empathy and project definition, they are continuing from the week 2 practice.
Fig. 2.4 / Instruction Exercise 3, Week 3 (09.12.2022)
Here is my work.
Fig. 2.5 - 2.6 / Exercise 3, Week 3 (12.09.2022)
WEEK 4 // 19.09.2022
This week, we learnt about design audits and experience.
Fig. 2.7 / Week 4 Exercise, Week 4 (19.09.2022)
WEEK 5 // 26.09.2022
This week, we have an exercise about the User Experience Journey Map.
Fig. 2.8 / Week 5 Exercise 6, Week 5 (26.09.2022)
This week, we need to compile everything from our second exercise in the first week until the last one into one presentation using Notion. Here is my Notion.
Fig. 2.9 - 2.15 / Notion, Week 5 (26.09.2022)
This week, we have a new task. Exercise 7: User Experience. Here are the instructions.
- You are to create a User Experience Survey(Questionnaire) regarding the Product that you have chosen to redesign.
- Asking for customer feedback before redeveloping/developing a product is ideal and would save the project a great deal of money and effort.
The exercise:
- You are to come up with 10-15 survey questions to be applied to a selected user persona. You should survey at least 5 of these individuals. Use: for survey forms
- Work on compiling the following instructions on your current Miro board. Submission for your findings would be in a short presentation deck on Miro. Use: the template
How to start?
1. First
Before coming up with the questionnaire, first, you would need to establish what you expect to get out of the questionnaire, how will it help you improve the product, define pain points and even identify what to lose or to keep in the product. Thus you would need to detail the following:
- Deciding on what and how to measure.
- Sampling from your user persona's
- Analysing the data; finding trends.
- Turn the data into information; storytelling
2. Second
- Look into this
- Provides 60 questions sample that you can use for your survey. You could use between 10-15 of these questions and customize them for your chosen product and user persona. The answers may be open-ended (subjective), which would provide quite a number of opportunities. Or it could be objective and the participants would choose from a series of answers, this would allow you to create quantitative graphs, etc.
- What to look for in the users feedback:
Usefulness. Usability. Enjoyability. Equitability. - What benefit did the product provide?
For example, what problems, and challenges that the product solved; what was found useful by the users? - Pain Points: identify what’s Usable or what isn’t usable.
- The user’s experiences and expectations of the product and whether it was Enjoyable.
- Other than the target users, would the product benefit other users? How equitable would the product be rated?
3. Final
- Provide the key findings by compiling it, into a comparable flow is presented in your MIRO board. This will be used to redesign the app. Which is the next Assignment where you will be building Wireframes.
Here is my google form.
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqswRS2rt3HsmFIDINMAPsd0qZKQSsmzNgH_0lr5UqOocYow/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="2690" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>
Here is the answer.
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRzE0GvfcuYK7yHTKlwL3_5c-gcFb42hb74IkBQFWM8UJSYXzmPIPDmJVK57Vuj0ZXlEK7ru5GJyP1n/pubhtml?widget=true&headers=false"></iframe>
Then I compile everything into my Miro.
Fig. 2.16 / Exercise 7 Miro, Week 8 (28.10.2022)
WEEK 7 // 18.10.2022
I do not have access to Devina Angeline's Notion
I am grateful to have received so many exercises. In these exercises, it is more towards research, and I learned a lot such as user empathy, etc. I am also grateful to have been taught by Mr. Hafiz because he patiently gave lectures and directions. But unfortunately, because this is more just research, I don't really enjoy this module
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