DPI / Project 1: Collage (Week 3)

08.30.2021 - 09.13.2021 (Week 2 - Week 4)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Digital Photography and Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1: Collage

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Week 3 / 09.06.2021

        First, Mr Fauzi Yusoff opened with the Lecture section. In this section, he introduced Adobe Photoshop to us (Lasso tool, Pen tool, and Layering).

a. Lasso Tool
The Lasso Tool allow us to draw and pinpoint specific areas of a document. The Lasso tool is divided into 3 parts, lasso, polygonal lasso, and magnetic lasso. The Lasso Tool is great to use with a graphic tablet because it is similar to a pencil.

Fig. 1.4 / Symbol of Lasso Tool, Week 3 (09.06.2021)

b. Pen Tool
The pen tool is the way that we add these points and the way we drag the tool as we create the points determines how they will look. Remember, the fewer points, the smoother a path will be.

Fig. 1.5 / Variation of Pen Tool, Week 3 (09.06.2021)

c. Layering
Layers are different images stacked on top of each other. We can use each layer without affecting another one to make adjustments. The advantage is that we can save a Photoshop file with all the layers included. This means we can use layers for non-destructive editing. Our adjustments in Photoshop will never destroy the original image. The layers contain all the extra information and/ or images we want to add to the original file.

Fig. 1.6 / Layering, Week 3 (09.06.2021)


Week 3 / 09.06.2021
We watch the tutorial about paths, masking, layering, and blending modes.


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KzzNSVxa0kKS--SV78TKxs6WRnUGRU4z/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Week 3 (09.06.2021)

1. Download all of the images here to your computer: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aByJo6rt2QZuSUVcE56ZaXDoFSIOKRmd?usp=sharing
2. Follow this tutorial demo as a reference to create your digital collage: https://youtu.be/BlW7F-fTsbE
3. Create 3 different composition digital collages from the images that you’ve downloaded.
4. Create A4 canvas size  (vertical) in Photoshop and start to do the compositions.
5. Insert 3 photos of your digital collage compositions on the section below
6. Submit (Turn In) this W3_DIGITAL_COLLAGE_1. Deadline: 9 Sept


Fig. 3.1 / Composition#1, Week 3 (09.06.2021) 

        For me, if you don’t have any concept in the first, you will struggle at the first but it’s going easy in the second and a little bit struggle again for the last concept. First, I cut unnecessary background that I don’t like it then the next day I tried to work on collage (like Mr Fauzi’s suggestion). For the first composition, I tried with the same vibe colour (like retro, isn’t it? ><). It's quite neat, I like it.


Fig. 3.2 / Composition#2, Week (09.06.2021)

        For the second composition, I get the idea easily. I wanted to create like people walking into the shark mouth. I also put the old projector with a human’s head, like he is the “controller”. The result quite fascinates me. A little bit odd in the projector. However, I guess is quite a balance.


Fig. 3.3 / Composition#3, Week 3 (09.06.2021)

        For the last composition, this is my favourite. Actually, I don’t know why, it just looks unique. I also don’t know why every third project fascinates me. As you can see, the heavy point is at the bottom of the train, near the “tunnel”. There is a golden ratio in there.

Final Outcome

Fig. 5.2 / Finale Outcome Digital Collage, Week 3 (09.06.2021)


Week 3 (09.06.2021)
Mr Fauzi suggested I choose COMPOSITION #2 for the submission.


I learned a lot about Photoshop and composition in this lesson. I also learned how to think creatively with only limited materials and how to edit the photo (adjustment). For me, it was abstract but exciting. Mr Fauzi's explanation is very complete and clear so that I can apply the learning to my assignments well.
