DP / Project 1: Self-Portrait

09.28.2021 - 10.15.2021 (Week 6 - Week 8)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Design Principles / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project 1: Self-Portrait

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Week 6 / 09.28.2021

Fig. 1.1 / Self-portrait, Week 6 (09.28.2021)

    This week we were briefed about self-portraits in video 6. Dr Jinchi explained that self-representation is in the form of a drawing/ painting/ sculpture/ design. It is a visual depiction of the self. A self-portrait artwork represents the designer/ artist - in other words, how he sees himself, what he's feeling, and how he wants to be seen by others. it's not necessarily about creating a realistic image of yourself; instead, it's often an exercise in self-exploration. Dr Jinchi explained the best how to start is by creating a mindmap. A mindmap helps you to discover who you are.

Fig. 1.2-1.4 / Self-Portrait, Week 6 (09.28.2021)


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gnxmGcKqLPFjNqEvooUwyFBYEfO4NJJF/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

    Contemplate your life experiences, which includes your culture, your family, your friends, your school days, your favourite hangouts, your favourite music, food, musician, etc. Observe your surroundings –people, vehicles, buildings, plants, signages, nature, and activities. Record these in sketches, photography and/or video recording. Study all the visuals that you had collected. Select visuals that you find relevant and interesting to you, which you can translate into a design work to create a portrait of yourself. Remember to apply design principles in your work. For materials, you may use any of your choices, but do consider their suitability to best express your idea. Upload Project 1 to your blog. The post must contain:

1. a recap of Project 1 brief
2. your design process:
  • visual research
  • idea exploration and description
  • the final outcome in PDF and short rationale 
  • feedback by the lecturer 
  • reflection on the project
If you have any photographs as final submission or idea exploration, make sure that they are clear, taken from various angles and properly cropped.


Why Self-Portraits Should Be An Important Part of Your Artistic Journey
(Source: Reference)

What is Self-Portrait?
    The simple self-portrait definition is a portrait of an artist created by that artist him- or herself. (And if you’re wondering, “portrait” definition in art is a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person) But if you ask an artist, “What is a self-portrait?” you’ll likely get a more complex answer. For artists, self-portrait artwork represents the whole artist—in other words, how he sees himself, what he’s feeling, and how he wants to be seen by others. It’s not necessarily about creating a realistic image of yourself; instead, it’s often an exercise in self-exploration. 

What is the purpose of Self-Portrait?
    The purpose of a self-portrait largely depends on the artist. For some, it’s about accessibility. When asked why she photographed herself, the late Francesca Woodman famously said, “It’s a matter of convenience. I am always available.” Other famous self-portrait artists got started, at least in part, for similar reasons. For other artists, it may be more about the opportunity to play and experiment with new techniques. When you’re alone, you have all the time in the world and can work without deadlines. Still, others use self-portrait art to re-shape their sense of self or foster self-acceptance. They want to push themselves emotionally to see themselves in a new light.

Example of Self-Portrait.

Fig. 2.1 - 2.3 / Examples of Self-Portrait, Week 6 (09.28.2021)


        Ideas exploration, progress, and final outcome are as follows.

Ideas Exploration.
a. Topic Reference.
First, I explore myself, who am I. I take the personality test in 16Personalities. From that test, I found that I am a Turbulent Defender (ISFJ-T). 

Fig. 3.1 - 3.2 / My Personalities, Week 7 (10.05.2021)

Then I also realize my weakness from this test. I think this is valid (approved👍). There is 3 weakness that is related to my sketches.

Repress Their Feelings – People with the Defender personality type are private and very sensitive, internalizing their feelings a great deal. Much in the way that Defenders protect others’ feelings, they must protect their own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration.

Overload Themselves – Their strong senses of duty and perfectionism combine with this aversion to the emotional conflict to create a situation where it is far too easy for Defenders to overload themselves – or to be overloaded by others – as they struggle silently to meet everyone’s expectations, especially their own.

Too Altruistic – This is all compounded and reinforced by Defenders’ otherwise wonderful quality of altruism. Being such warm, good-natured people, Defenders are willing to let things slide, to believe that things will get better soon, to not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while their troubles mount unassisted.

These are very true, I feel like this website is know me better than I know myself.

b. Design Reference.
Next, I found these photos from Pinterest as my design references. When I look at these photos, I got some ideas for my task (as you can see in my sketches). It's like being "fake". I also wanted to make the environment like an exhibition museum. It's clean, neat, and minimalist. I also imagine that later there will be sunlight coming in. Then, I found this picture (fig. 3.3). It's like fulfil my idea.

Fig. 3.3 - 3.5 / References, Week 7 (10.05.2021)

At first, I was a little confused about how to make a self-portrait. Finally, I got these 4 sketches. The first is my literal self-portrait image. The second one is just a random thought, so ignore it. Third, I often hide my feelings by smiling. and also many people say "you must smile". It doesn't mean I don't like to smile, but it's about my feeling towards people. Especially on the Asian continent, there are so many who are more concerned with someone's comfort than themselves, well that's me :). If in Indonesia language, we call it "Sungkan", it means like feel bad with people, prefer to please people, etc. I like Mr Charles's words "Are you really happy?". Fourth, I have a dark side that sometimes seems to control my white side. I don't think it's completely bad, for example, my white side is diligent and my dark side is laziness. If I continue to be diligent without any laziness, then I will get sick. In short, you need the dark side. Without the dark side, you won't be "you". 

Fig. 3.6 - 3.9 / Sketches, Week 6 (09.28.2021)

    Mr Charles suggests choosing the third or the fourth sketches. I decided to continue the third sketch because it's more related to my idea exploration 16personalitites. I also decided to erase the caption because I think it doesn't really necessary. Without the caption, I feel it's already clear. The other reason is that I can't find the right word, "Sungkan" in English words. This task, it contains repetition and similarity. Here's my progress in the video (30 seconds). I made it on Procreate.

Vid. 3.1 / Progress of Colouring, Week 7 (10.05.2021)

Fig. 3.10 / Final Outcome in JPG, Week 7 (10.05.2021)

Final Outcome in PDF.

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d_PU5LwcxNhpJQ1FuNecZS1TdyrFSHZk/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Week 7 / 10.05.2021
It's really fascinating. A very powerful statement in there. I like both (third and fourth sketches), I think you can choose either one. 

Week 8 / 10.15.2021
💁‍♀️: It's Independent Learning Week.


I am grateful to have been given this self-portrait assignment. From this assignment, I learned more about myself. Exploring myself more, knowing myself better. Many times we may feel that it is not important to know ourselves, including myself before. In this task, it's really like asking me, Who are you? I am also grateful for how Mr Charles helped me through his very clear and informative feedback.


  1. Clever use of repetition and similarity to evoke the sense of multiple personalities! Good finish in using lighting effects here and a good use of hierarchy and a sense of spatial balance! good work!


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