IVN / Task 1: Exercises

08.26.2021 - 09.23.2021 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Devina Angeline Wiratama / 0350824
Illustration and Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 1: Exercises

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Week 1 / Introduction and Briefing
        A warm welcome from Ms Anis, Ms Jennifer, and Ms Anis's cat to us, new semester students. In this section, they briefed us about Module Information and the exercise that we need to complete such as create a sketch of character design from Vormator shapes. It was really new and challenging to me to make something new with the Vormator. I hope I can do well.

Week 2 / Character Design
        Introduction to Character Design. We were taught stylized character design that makes unique, which are shapes, colour, emphasis and contrast, harmony, expression/poses, and also what makes a good character design.  

1. Shapes
        Shapes define a character's silhouette. It is used to identify a character from one another. 
Commonly, the more stable shape, the good character of the male lead.

Fig. 1.1 / Shape Example, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

2. Colour
        Colour play an important role in determining who are the heroes/ protagonists or villains/ antagonists. Colours have qualities that can cause certain emotions in people. 

Fig. 1.2 / Colour Example, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

3. Emphasis and Contrast
        A good character design is when you pick one visual element in a character and exaggerate it, making the character outstanding and memorable. Sometimes picking a cultural element and adding it to a design makes it uniquely authentic. For example, are Hercules and Hades.

Fig. 1.3 / Emphasis and Contrast Example, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

4. Harmony
        All shapes, lines, colours, motifs, patterns must be put together tastefully. Every element used in your design must work together like they compliment each other - A balance of visual elements that has a visual hierarchy.

Fig. 1.4 / Harmony Example, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

5. Expressions/ Poses
        What makes your character wins the heart of an audience is their behaviour/ quirks/ personalities that are visually shown. 

Fig. 1.5 / Poses Example, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

Week 3 / Composition
        Introduction to Composition. Many Instagram looks good because they followed the principles of the magical thing called composition. Here are the types of shots or compositions (establishing, bird's eye view, framing, medium shot, close-up, and worm's eye view).

Fig. 1.6 / Types of Shots or Compositions, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

Ms Anis told us about industry techniques, which finds a balance of negative and positive and visual hierarchy (mood, rhythm/ movement, visual elements). There is no right or wrong in composition, only bad and tasteful in composition! So we need to study more, observation is the key. In this section, we also tried to identify the positive and negative space in a composition.

Fig. 1.7 / Practice + and - Space, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

Week 4 / Composition (2) - Perspective
        Introduction to Perspective. These are paintings from before the 14th century. The art was rich and beautiful but there is no attempt to create the illusion of depth and space. Perspective note (from Ms Anis)

Fig. 1.8 / Before 14th Century, Week 4 (09.17.2021)

        Filippo has come and produced the first known picture to make use of linear perspective  (project the illusion of depth onto a two dimensional.

Fig. 1.9 / First Known Picture that uses perspective, Week 4 (09.17.2021)

Fig. 1.10 / The Last Suffer - Da Vinci, Week 4 (09.17.2021)

Fig. 1.11 / The School of Athens - Raphael, Week 4 (09.17.2021)

        Perspective is an illusion to create depth. A representation of objects, from a 2D surface to create a 3D optical illusion. Types of perspectives 1, 2, 3, 4-5 points. 

Fig. 1.12 / One Perspective, Week 4 (09.17.2021)

Fig. 1.13 / Two Perspective, Week 4 (09.17.2021)

Fig. 1.14 / Eye Worm, Week 4 (09.17.2021)


Week 2 / Character Design
        Ms Jennifer taught us the basics of Adobe Illustrator during our practice. Specifically, we focused on mastering the pen tool, colour while creating a Chameleon (Vormator Shape).

Fig. 2.1 / Chameleon Vormator Challenge by Ms Jennifer, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

Week 3 / Character Design and Game Card Design
        First, Ms Jennifer taught us about the pathfinder tool (it makes it easier to combine paths, divide objects and subtract shapes) - unite, merge. Ms Jennifer also taught us how to use the gradient.

Fig. 2.2 / Pathfinder Tool, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

Second, Ms Jennifer taught us how to create the game card. In this section, ms Jennifer taught us about knife tools.

Fig. 2.3 / Ms Jennifer's Card, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

Week 4 / Background
First,  Ms Jennifer taught us how to play around with the background. She reviewed again about path tools, shape builder tools, and textures. 

Fig. 2.4 / Background of Cammy, Week 4 (09.16.2021)

And here's the final result of Cammy Card.

Fig. 2.5 / Cammy Card by Ms Jennifer, Week 4 (09.16.2021)


Week 1 / Vormator Challenge
        After I learn about stylized character design from lectures, I just found out why a character can be unique and easy to remember. One example is Spongebob.

Fig. 3.1 / Visual Research, Week (09.02.2021)

        One of my childhood cartoons is Spongebob. The main shape is square, which is a very stable shape and the protagonist one. Spongebob's colour is yellow. It’s the colour of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, sunshine and spring. (source: Yellow Colour). That's right, Spongebob has a very cheerful and friendly personality, the cartoon itself is also depicted as SpongeBob who likes to laugh (suitable for kids). I think there is an emphasis on Spongebob's nose because it's the only one in an organic shape. For the expression, the author often describes Spongebob's laughter and that is what is often in the minds of the audience, which is a little bit annoying laugh. All in all, Spongebob has a simple shape and simple colour but it's very memorable and iconic. Good character design!

a. Arthemis

Fig. 3.2 / Reference of Arthemis, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        I'm very like this draw. It looks elegant and beautiful. I found it on Pinterest. This is one of the zodiac characters, which is Capricorn (my zodiac😎). If you look at my first design, you can recognize there are similarities (tail, horn, and coth in waist).

b. Ramona

Fig. 3.3 / Reference of Ramona, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        I'm also like this draw. It looks bossy and sexy. I found it on Pinterest. This is also one of the zodiac characters, which is Aries (my sister's zodiac). If you look at my second design, you can recognize there is a similarity (their personalities).


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iRQma5c6Mn8eC_LPk5Ui9Y7-7-4XfMfl/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 1: Exercise 1 - Vormator Challenge

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eHZLSsSEGTIU1_DetJAvZI8W0awd5jQL/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k3jlUv4qxOQvGLnh6cemvIkucaAbKdex/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Vector Illustration

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EsEv1EmHhgrpI5w8Nzj0AVtzwOLG043l/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Friday 24 September 2021 by 11.59PM
Upload these files into your Google Drive Folder under Task 1 [Refer to the folder arrangement in Module details]. Also, please ensure that the details you shared in the Contact Sheet are up to date.
  • Exercise 1: Vormator Challenge Final *.jpg for character design [600 x 600 pix]
  • Exercise 2: Game Card Final *.jpg of the character + background + card composite [Tarot size 897 x 1479 pix]
  • Blog update for Task 1 in your e-portfolio

        Ms Anis wanted to us make sketches (more than one sketch), so I only sketched two sketches. They were Arthemis and Ramona.

a. Arthemis (Goddes of the Moon)

Fig. 4.1 / Sketch Arthemis#1; Fig. 4.2 / Sketch ArthemisFix, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        This is my first character. First, I got frustrated to taught the ideas with limited shapes (Vormator shapes). I tried approximately 2-3 sketches to get this design. I named it Arthemis, cause in many movies Arthemis is a person who had arrows as her main weapon. I tried to make an elegant and calm character. The tail has changed into water drops because of the advice of the lecturer. I personally love this sketch than my second sketch.

Vid. 4.1 / Arthemis, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        This is how I explore my character (video speed in 30 seconds). First, when I showed it to my sister, she said it looks like a souvenir πŸ˜‚ so I decided to give her a tail (mermaid tail). I imagine this character has a cool tone (blue, purple, etc).

b. Ramona (Protector, Guide)

Fig. 4.3 / Sketch Ramona#1, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        This is my second character. My brother gave me an advice, how about creating something like insects. I suddenly thought about chains. Because the main weapon is a chain, I want to create a sexy and bossy look, but I also want to make something like a protector. That's why I give the eye looks soft.

Vid. 4.2 / Ramona, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        This is how I explore my character (video speed in 30 seconds). I had a very long time finishing this picture, especially in the chains. I'm glad that Ms Anis and Ms Jennifer vote for the Arthemis one (Thank You, Miss, 😊). I imagine this character has a warm tone (red, brown, etc).

2. Vormator Challenge!
a. Colour Inspiration

Fig. 5a.1 / Colour Reference#1, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        I found this on Pinterest. I very like the colour combination browny-pink/ rose gold (#fde4e8), white (#ffffff), and baby Tosca/ green-blue (#c6f0ee). Note πŸ’‍♀️: It might be a different device, different colour.

Fig. 5a.1 / Colour Reference#2, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

        I also found this on Pinterest. I'm very like the premium and aesthetic theme like this! I used this as my colour reference in character design#2

b. Digital Look

Fig. 5b.1 / Character Design#1; Fig. 5b.2 / Close up#1, Week 2 (09.02.2021)

        First, I draw the Vormator shapes with the pen tool (as exemplified by Ms Jennifer). Second, I arrange that Vormator shapes into my sketches as my guide. Next, I colour them with the gradient method (white, rose gold, and baby Tosca). I tried to make it looks like a transparent cloth, so reduce the opacity of cloth in the Arthemis's waist. As you can see, the ")(" symbol at the middle of the upside-down water drop and also the "moon" crown, are glowing. I used inner glow in-fills, outer glow in-fills, and gaussian blur in stroke. I knew this glow/ neon method from Vector Slate (youtube). 

        I tried to recreate it again with another colour. I don't like the previous one. I changed into a premium theme and this is it. I like it!

Fig. 5b.3 / Character Design#2, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

3. Vector Illustration!

a. Inspirations
Back Card

Fig. 6a.1 / Back Card Reference#1; Fig. 6a.2 / Back Card Reference#2, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

        I found these vectors on Pinterest. I chose these because I think it fits the premium theme that I want. I used (Fig. 6a.1) and (Fig. 6a.2 - only the king's crown) as my back card.

Front Card

Fig. 6a.3 / Front Reference, Week 4 (09.16.2021)

        I found this on Pinterest. This is an architectural Romanian. I chose this to make aesthetic vibes. I drew it with a pen tool in Adobe Illustrator.

Fig. 6a.4 / Background Reference#1; Fig. 6a.5 / Background Reference#2, Week 4 (09.16.2021)

        I'm not fascinated with my game card#1 result (Fig. 6b.1). So, I decided to make the sea look like my background and here are my references.

b. Progression

Fig. 6b.1 / Game Card#1, Week 3 (09.09.2021)

        This is my first progress in Game Card Design. Honestly, I don't like it 😒. I tried so hard to change a little for the better, but still, I don't like it :'). Then, I decided to make a new one.

Fig. 6b.2 / Background, Week 4 (09.16.2021)
        This is my second progress (background of front card) in Game Card Design. First, I made a blue-green colour gradient with an airbrush. After that, I added a yellow colour like the light of the sun/moon entering the dark ocean. It's simple and I like it. Next, I added fishes in dark blue colour and reduce the opacity so that the fish don't become the centre of attention. Last but not least, I put two pillars, vectors, and words. For the texture of pillars and gold back card, I used that method from Nick (Source: Textures from Nick)

Fig. 6b.3 / Front Card#2; Fig. 6b.4 / Back Card#2, Week 4 (09.16.2021)

This is my Game Card Design! I love it!
🀷‍♂️: Why did you choose number nine/ IX?
πŸ’‍♀️: My favourite number!
Why is the symbol on the back of the card like a balance?
πŸ’‍♀️: Because because it describes justice (she had a high spirit of justice)
🀷‍♂️: What does the name "Arthemis" mean?
πŸ’‍♀️: Goddes of the Moon.

d. Character Identification & Story Background
Name: Arthemis
Main Weapon: Arrows
Live: Water, Sea
Once upon a time, there was a female archer who had a high spirit of justice. She often helps people who are in trouble. But one night, when she came home after practising archery, there was a series of accidents and she became one of the victims. Her leg was injured and she fell into the sea. Due to the wound on her leg, she couldn't swim up and she could only thrash around in the water. On that dark and cold night, she could only see the refractive light of the moonlight which for some reason shone very brightly. Her bow had fallen to the bottom of the ocean but a few arrows were still on her back. At that time, the blue light from the moon enveloped her and she got another life, she turned into a half-mermaid. Yes, She is Arthemis, the Goddess of the Moon. She discovered that there was a world in the sea below, UnderWorld.
Transferring one's own prejudices, good or bad, into the mind of the opponent. If the opponent is careless and thinks about the meaning of those words, it will become a reality for a while.

e. Final Outcome in PDF

Here's the final outcome in PDF.

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bS4hXT-X5hz6mbvmd2myrT0EMmPchz9K/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Week 2 / 09.02.2021
May start to work on it in Adobe Illustrator. Ms Anis and Ms Jennifer vote for my first character design (Arthemis). Change the tail shape with the water drop shape (because the above is already complicated, make it simple on the under). Start to create the story of character design.

Week 3 / 09.09.2021
Try to remove the outline. Might see hello kitty mermaid as the reference on the internet.

Week 4 / 09.16.2021
πŸ’‍♀️: It's Public Holiday

Week 5 / 09.23.2021
Looking good. Actually, there are some design characters that are not centered in the middle, but it's okay.


        If I may describe one word about this class, it is challenging and exciting, from the material and the lecturers. Now, when I look at a cartoon character, I don't just see it as ordinary as it used to be, but now I observe and try to think about how the shape, colour, emphasis, harmony, and expression that make a character unique and memorable. I'm grateful to have learned about this because it might be very useful in the future when I want to create a character design. Even though it takes time, energy, and mind, I really enjoy making this game card. Thankfully, if it wasn't taught like this, maybe my skills in adobe illustration wouldn't have progressed this far.
